Beautiful pics of Claudia Wells and Kelly Nash feet & legs

Claudia Wells was an American actor who was born Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, but raised within San Francisco CA. Wells was made famous by her role in 1985's Back to the Future film in the role of Jennifer Parker Marty McFly's girl best friend. Wells appeared in Stop the Madness a Reagan-sponsored anti-drug video with a host of celebrities including actors, musicians and athletes. In the following year, Wells was a guest in the movie Babies Having Babies. And she starred in the short-lived television series Fast Times. It is an adaptation on telecast of the cult 1982 film Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Claudia's career was on a rapid path to success in the entertainment industry However, after her mother developed cancer she took a hiatus from performing. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called To date Claudia has amassed over 50 credits in both film TV and theater but she is convinced that her ultimate on-screen professional career ahead of her when she looks for sassy roles that shy away from convention and push the envelope. Claudia Wells is a fine retail store for men's clothes that is known as Armani Wells. You can discover more information by going to the website

Kelly Nash works as a reporter and sportscaster on the MLB Networks. Kelly Nash works as a sports journalist and reporter for MLB Networks. The degree she earned was at Clemson University. After that, she went to Miami for her masters program for broadcast journalist. Kelly always had a dream of working within the industry of television. It was glamorous and she was awed by it. Following her graduation and a degree, Kelly started her job as an intern at ACC Digital Network. Once her period of training was over she moved on into Fox Sports Florida and later started working for Fox Sports Sun. They worked very hard, and she eventually made it to the top to a job with MLB Network which is one of the most popular news outlets for sports in America. She hosts 'The Rundown', an incredibly popular program on the channel. The actress is also a huge fan and stays in touch via social platforms.

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